U-M IOE welcomes new assistant professors to the department
Two new assistant professors began working for the University of Michigan Industrial and Engineering Department on August 28.
Two new assistant professors began working for the University of Michigan Industrial and Engineering Department on August 28.
Changxiao Cai, assistant professor
Changxiao Cai comes from the University of Pennsylvania where he served as a postdoctoral researcher. He holds his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and a BE in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University.
His research interests lie broadly in the intersection of statistics, optimization, and machine learning. He is interested in developing provably scalable methods for information extraction from high-dimensional data, with an aim to achieve the optimal interplay between statistical accuracy and computational efficiency.
Oshin Tyagi, assistant professor
Oshin Tyagi is a recent PhD graduate and research assistant from Texas A&M University. She holds an MS degree from Texas A&M University and a BS degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.
Her research interests are in neuro ergonomics and occupational biomechanics with a focus on investigating and supporting human capabilities in critical states, such as stress and fatigue, or high-risk environments. Her proposed research work integrates neuro ergonomics with traditional HF/E approaches to better understand human capabilities and task demands associated with physical performance under cognitively demanding conditions, or while using emerging technologies like exoskeletons, virtual reality and augmented reality.
In addition to her other achievements, she was awarded the Human Factors Prize at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) in 2022.