IOE degree requirements

  • Complete 30 credit hours of University of Michigan (U-M) graduate courses.
    • Eligible courses are listed on the Rackham Programs of Study website. Some courses, both in IOE and other schools and departments, are not allowed for graduate credit for IOE master’s students, as detailed further down at the bottom of this page.
  • Of the 30 credits, at least 18 credit hours must be in graduate-level IOE courses.
  • Of the 30 credits, at least 14 credit hours must be at the 500-level or above, including 12 credit hours of IOE courses at this level.
    • Note: Only up to three credit hours of either IOE 590 (“Master’s Directed Study,” which can be graded either A–E or S/U) or IOE 591 section 087 (“Special topics: IOE Master’s Project Class,” graded A-E) can count toward the 12 required credit hours. Courses graded S/U, one or two credit seminars and IPD courses do not count toward the 500-level requirement.
  • No more than six credit hours in directed study or project-based courses.
  • Take at least one three-credit course outside the U-M Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE). (cognate course)
    • Cross-listed IOE courses do not count as cognates.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B) or better, both overall and within IOE courses.

Students should carefully review the four sections below for information on which IOE and non-IOE courses are not allowed for graduate credit for IOE master’s students.

Courses not allowed for IOE graduate credit

  • Always not allowed: IOE 422, 424, 435, 441, 461, 481, 490 and 499.
    • Reason: These are designed for undergraduates or lack the rigor needed for graduate credit. All other 400-level IOE courses are eligible for IOE graduate credit. 
  • Sometimes not allowed: IOE 491.
    • Requires prior approval from the IOE Graduate Program Advisor. A list of approved 491 courses is available each term.
  • Not allowed for master’s students: IOE 800, 801, 802 and 899.

Graduate credit rules for non-IOE courses

  • Rackham courses: They are generally eligible if they are 400-level or higher, but courses in areas like probability, statistics and operations must be more rigorous than similar IOE courses and introductory courses may not qualify. 
  • Transfer credit: Must be Rackham-approved and meet IOE standards.

Please talk to the IOE graduate advising team for more information about meeting IOE standards for rigor.

U-M Ross School of Business courses

  • 400-level: Only ACC (accounting) 471 is approved. All other 400-level Ross courses require written approval from the IOE Graduate Program Advisor, obtained before the drop-add deadline.
  • 500-level and above: Eligible unless on the “not allowed” list.
    • Note: One-credit seminars do not count toward the 14 required 500-level credits.
  • Courses that are not allowed from Ross:
    • MO 501 (allowed for graduate credit but doesn’t count as 500-level)
    • TO 501, 502, 503, 511, 512, 513, 551, 552, 561, 563, 566–569, 572, 573, 601 and 616. Note: IOE 440 and TO 605 cannot both count for credit.

Courses in other departments that are not allowed

  • Entrepreneurship: ENTR 599 section 019
    • Other sections are allowed for graduate credit, but may NOT be counted as a 500-level course.
  • Economics: ECON 404, 405 and 500
  • Engineering: ENGR 401, 480, 600 and 998 (CPT)
  • EECS: EECS 402
  • Math: MATH 412, 417, 419, 422, 425, 431, 486, 489, 497 and 498
  • Manufacturing: MFG 401 and 503
    • MFG 503 is allowed for graduate credit but may not count as a 500-level course
  • Statistics: All 400-level courses are not allowed, with the exception of the following courses: STAT 406, 430, 466, 470 and 480.
  • Biostatistics: BIOSTAT 503, 510, 523, 553, 600, 601, 602 and 625.
  • Public Policy: PUBPOL 513 and 529.
  • Information: INFO 528 and 543.
  • Other: RACKHAM 998, ENGR 998 (CPT) and HMP 680

Special topic courses with a regular lecture format taught under IOE 591 are considered regular lecture courses (not directed study courses) in verifying requirements.