Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies Program
The Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) program enables U-M students to earn a master’s degree with just one additional year of study after completing their bachelor’s degree. This five-year path can lead to greater career opportunities and higher salaries.
Whether you decide to take the traditional master’s degree route or go for the SUGS option, both will lead to a completed master’s degree. They will, however, differ in timeline, credit transfer options and dual enrollment availability. Choosing between the traditional timeline or SUGS depends on factors like academic goals, interest in research or internships, funding and plans for additional degrees or certificates. Students aiming to deepen their knowledge for industry roles often choose SUGS, while those considering further studies may find the traditional master’s or doctoral programs more suitable.
SUGS requirements and application process
Requirements for enrolling in the SUGS Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) master’s program differ from those for the SUGS Systems and Design Engineering (SED) master’s program. Details for each are explained below.
IOE SUGS requirements and deadlines
Application requirements and materials
- Minimum 3.5 GPA cumulative and in major at the time of application.
- Application requirements are the same as the traditional master’s application, except one letter of recommendation is sufficient for SUGS applications.
- Applicants must complete their undergraduate degree before beginning the SUGS master’s.
- Dual majors are not allowed.
Students who don’t meet these requirements can petition the U-M IOE Graduate Admissions Committee, providing additional credentials in the form of recommendation letters or evidence of special accomplishments.
How to apply
- Planning ahead: As a mid-junior to early senior year you should schedule an advising appointment to review potential courses for double-counting or transferring into the master’s program. We recommend scheduling appointments with both an undergraduate in your major and a graduate advisor in IOE.
- After the advising appointments, students should have a plan for eligible double-counted or transferred courses.
- Applying: Students who wish to enroll in the SUGS program should apply to the U-M IOE master’s program. Visit our application page for more details.
IOE SUGS application deadlines
- Deadline to apply for winter start: October 1
- Deadline to apply for fall start: January 15
Program requirements
- Full-time enrollment (nine credits) is required for two semesters. Graduate study must begin the semester immediately after undergraduate completion.
- Up to six graduate-level credits can be double-counted. These courses must be technical or general electives of the undergraduate program. Courses on the not allowed list for the master’s program will not be counted.
- Up to nine additional graduate-level credits may be transferred if they were not counted toward another degree, minor, or certificate, and are not on the “not allowed” list.
- Eligible classes: For details on eligible and ineligible courses for the IOE master’s program, see the IOE master’s degree requirements page.
- Dual enrollment (registering as both an undergraduate and graduate student in the same term) is not permitted.
Please consult a graduate advisor if you are unsure how a course may count toward the U-M IOE SUGS program.
Tuition and fees
U-M IOE SUGS students pay Rackham tuition. Please visit our tuition and fees page for more information.
Graduation forms
- Submit the Accelerated Master’s Degree Election Form, signed by both the students’ undergraduate department advisor and graduate advisor.
- All 30 credits needed for the degree must be accounted for in the form. The undergraduate advisor will sign and include a copy of the degree audit and transcript with the two double-counted courses highlighted. Send all three documents to the graduate advisor.
- A memo from the undergraduate advisor is also needed if you are transferring credits. This confirms that the credits were not used to satisfy any undergraduate degree, minor or certificate requirements.
SED SUGS requirements and deadlines
Application requirements and materials
- Minimum 3.2 GPA cumulative and in major at the time of application.
- Application requirements are the same as for the traditional master’s application, except one letter of recommendation is sufficient for SUGS applications.
- Enrolled as an undergraduate student in an eligible department within the U-M College of Engineering. Eligible departments include:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Material Sciences and Engineering
- Bachelor’s students in the College of Engineering not enrolled in one of these departments should consider the U-M IOE SUGS degree as an alternative option.
- Applicants must complete their undergraduate degree before beginning the SUGS master’s.
- Dual majors are not allowed.
Students who don’t meet these requirements can petition the U-M IOE Graduate Admissions Committee, providing additional credentials in the form of recommendation letters or evidence of special accomplishments.
How to apply
- Planning ahead: As a mid-junior to early senior year you should schedule an advising appointment to review potential courses for double-counting or transferring into the master’s program. We recommend scheduling appointments with both an undergraduate in your major and a graduate advisor in IOE.
- After the advising appointments, students should have a plan for eligible double-counted or transferred courses.
- Applying: Students who wish to enroll in the SUGS program should apply to the U-M SED master’s program. Visit our application page for more details.
SED SUGS application deadlines
- Deadline for winter start: October 1
- Deadline for fall start: January 15
Tuition and fees
SED SUGS students pay either graduate or distance learning tuition based on their chosen modality. Please visit our tuition and fees page for more information.